try your best to hold on to sanity

A friend of mine posted something about enneagrams this morning and I couldn’t remember what I was so I went to take a quiz to see. And I ran into the problem I run into everytime I take one of these personality quizes: costuming me is a very different person than real life me. Do I persevere until the job is done? In costuming, yes. In real life? Absolutely not. Do I hold myself to high standards? In costuming, yes. In real life, NO! So I end up with a lot of “neutrals” because I don’t know what to put.

Anyway I’m apparently a 9.

We had Kevin over for part of the weekend!

I was going to have him over the whole weekend, but we were supposed to get snow Saturday night into Sunday morning, so we took him home Saturday afternoon just in case. But of course the snow ended up being nothing.

Friday night I got Kevin caught up on some movies he hasn’t seen yet – Encanto and Shang-Chi for him, and then all 3 of us watched Ghostbusters Afterlife. I really liked it! I wish we’d seen it in theaters.

Got to have him over again soon to watch more. I’m trying to get him as caught up as possible before our Disney trip. He still needs to watch a few Disney/Pixar movies (Onward/Soul/Raya – I also still haven’t seen Raya), Marvel (Black Widow, all of the series except Wandavision which he watched in one weekend when he was over last year), Star Wars stuff (Mando season 2/Boba Fett. I’m not interested in either and didn’t/aren’t watching them, but he will like them).

Saturday we went up to Jackson to see Mema and Daddy Bob. I’d promised Mema a few months ago I’d bring Kevin up to see her. We also thought it would be a good experiment to see how kevin does with motion sickness in the new car.

And he did great! He watched Hunger Games on the dvd player. He had his motion sickness pressure point wristbands on too. No issues at all. We were worried the dvd player would make the issue worse. So i’m going to gather up all the dvds we have I think he’ll like and get a car booklet to put them in so he’s got plenty to choose from on the trip.

Two other things we’ll be adding to the “war on motion sickness” – Emetrol and some of those crazy looking anti-nausea glasses.

We stopped at Joann before heading home and I got fabric for my next project after I finish Utena. Yay.

Speaking of…

She does not fit ANY of my dressforms.

I got her mostly finished up last week. Zipper is fully sewn in, snaps are sewn in, buttons sewn on. I decided to leave the buttons on the cuffs gold, even though they should be red, but I like the gold roses so much I wanted to keep them gold across the board.

I had one issue when I was finishing it up last week – one of the pieces of boning on the back and come out of its casing and slid down into the bottom panel! I had to open up the lining and fish it out and get it back into its casing. Then sew it all closed again. So frustrating.

Shoes are finished too.

All of my 3d printed pieces are printed, just need to start painting and finishing them up next.

My wig came in!

I forgot to take a “before” photo – I’d already started straightening the back when I remembered. So this is as close as it gets to “before”

I haven’t hair-sprayed anything yet, I need to put it on my own head and make sure everything is sitting right. And I think I may re-fluff the back.

Also Chase’s new toy came in –

A resin printer!

Yesterday we just ran some errands and I worked on my wig.

I played some sims last night, I started a new family. Nothing too crazy with the family, it’s just one sim, her name is Windex, she wants to be famous/be an influencer. I hardly even got into the game when her new neighbors invited her over (she’s in an apartment). Went over and one of the neighbors was cooking and started a fire. Firefighters came and put the fire out. Windex started flirting with one of the firefighters named Blaze, they hit it off. Windex goes home.

A few in-game hours later I notice somebody walking around my apartment. It’s somebody in a Darth Vader costume. Just walking up and down the stairs in my apartment. Hover over him and it’s the firefighter, Blaze. He apparently wears a Darth Vader costume off-duty. He literally just came into my apartment without knocking or anything. So I take advantage of it and get Windex to flirt a whole lot, and eventually she asks him to spend the night. He does. Next day Windex goes to work, then I send her out to complete her goals for work the next day, it’s a full day. Eventually she heads to bed and… Blaze is still there, asleep in the bed. Repeat the next day. Dude has now been in bed for 3 days and he’s starting to stink. He’s clearly stuck.

I was going to leave him to see what happened, but a vampire got in the house and tried to hypnotize Windex while she slept. Windex ended up also getting stuck in the bed, so I had to reset the object, which freed both Windex and Blaze.

But Blaze is still stuck in the apartment. He just walks up and down the stairs, takes a nap on the couch, stands around, goes up the stairs, comes back down, takes a nap, etc. He won’t shower or get any food out of the fridge, he’s still acting like a visitor. But he won’t leave either.

So now I’m torn between seeing how long this lasts (will he die of starvation?) or asking him to join my family so I can take control of him.

See what happens tonight, lol.